59 Quotes from The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib

Every struggling businessman must read this book.It is brilliant.

Here are the quotes:

''This is one of THE major mistakes made by most small business owners.They go from working for an idiot boss to becoming an idiot boss! Here is the key point—just because you’re good at the technical thing you do doesn’t mean that you are good at the business of what you do.So going back to our example, a good plumber is not necessarily the best person to run a plumbing business. This is a vitally important distinction to note and is a key reason that most small businesses fail.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Invariably when someone makes a mess of something it often becomes clear in the aftermath that they didn’t have a plan. Don’t let that be you and your business. While no one can guarantee your success, having a plan dramatically increases your probability of success.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''There’s one thing which differentiates the wildly successful and wealthy ones from the struggling and broke. Struggling business owners will spend time to save money, whereas successful business owners will spend money to save time. Why is that an important distinction? Because you can always get more money, but you can never get more time. So you need to ensure the stuff you spend your time on makes the biggest impact. This is called leverage and leverage is the best kept secret of the rich.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''By far the biggest leverage point in any business is marketing. If you get 10% better at marketing, this can have an exponential or multiplying effect on the bottom line.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

Best Marketing quote

''Once upon a time you placed an ad in the Yellow Pages, paid them a truck load of money and your marketing for the year was done. Now you have Google, social media, blogs, websites and myriad of other things to think about.The Internet has literally opened up a world of competitors. Whereas previously your competitors may have been across the road, now they can be on the other side of the globe.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Think of your marketing plan as the architect’s blueprint for getting and retaining customers.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Nothing happens until a sale is made.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''A good product or service is a customer retention tool. If we give our customers a great product or service experience they’ll buy more from us, they’ll refer other people to us and build up the brand through positive word of mouth. However,before customer retention, we need to think about customer acquisition (AKA marketing). The most successful entrepreneurs always start with marketing.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Strategy changes with scale. This is very important to understand. Do you think someone investing in and building skyscrapers has a different property investment strategy than the average small property investor? Of course…If you have an advertising budget of $10 million and three years to get a profitable result, then you’re going to use a very different strategy compared to someone needing to make a profit immediately with a $10,000 budget.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''It’s not that the small businesses aren’t good at ‘branding’ or mass media ads.It’s that they simply don’t have the budget to run their ads in sufficient volume to make them effective.Unless you have millions of dollars in your marketing budget, you have a very high probability of failure with this type of marketing.Branding, mass marketing and ego-based marketing is the domain of large companies.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

Best Marketing quote

''A niche is a tightly defined portion of a subcategory. For example think of the health and beauty category. This is a very wide category. A beauty salon can offer a wide variety of services including tanning, waxing, facials, massage,cellulite treatment and much more. If, for example, we take one of these subcategories—let’s say cellulite treatment, this could be our niche. However, we could tighten it up even further by focusing on cellulite treatment for women who’ve just had a baby. This is a tightly defined niche. Now you may be thinking why on earth would we want to limit our market so much? Here’s why:
1. You have a limited amount of money. If you focus too broadly, your
marketing message will become diluted and weak.
2. The other critical factor is relevance. The goal of your ad is for your
prospects to say, ‘Hey that’s for me.’
If you’re a woman who’s just had a baby and are concerned about cellulite,would an ad targeting this specific problem grab your interest? Most certainly.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Targeting a tight niche allows you to become a big fish in a small pond. It allows you to dominate a category or geography in a way that is impossible by being general.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''The type of niches that you want to go after are ‘an inch wide and a mile deep.’An inch wide meaning it is a very highly targeted subsection of a category. A mile deep meaning there’s a lot of people looking for a solution to that specific problem. Once you dominate one niche, you can expand your business by finding another profitable and highly targeted niche, then dominate that one also.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Figure out the one thing your market wants a solution to, something that they’ll pay you handsomely for. Then enter the conversation they’re having in their mind, preferably something they go to bed worrying about and wake up thinking about. Do this and your results will dramatically improve.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''My rule of thumb is one ad, one objective. If something in the ad isn’t helping you achieve that objective then it’s detracting from it and you should get rid of it.That includes sacred cows like your company name and company logo.Advertising space is valuable and these things taking up prime real estate in your ad space often detract from your message rather than enhance it.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

Best Marketing quote

''Most advertising by small businesses is inwardly focused. Instead of speaking to the needs and problems of the prospect, it is focused on self aggrandizement.The prominent logo and company name, the laundry list of services, the claims of being the leading provider of that product or service. All of these things are shouting, ‘look at me!’ Unfortunately, you’re in a crowded market and with everyone shouting ‘look at me!’ at the same time, it just becomes background noise.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Direct response marketing focuses heavily on the needs, thoughts and emotions of the target market. By doing this you enter the conversation already going on in the mind of your ideal prospect. You will resonate at a deeper level with your prospect and your ad will stand out from 99% of other ads that are just shouting and talking about themselves.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Don’t leave anything to chance. Know exactly what you want your ad to achieve and the exact action you want your prospect to take.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Positioning yourself as a commodity and hence being shopped on price alone is a terrible position for a small business owner to be in…The answer is to develop a unique selling proposition (USP). Something that positions you differently, so that prospects are forced to make an apples-to oranges comparison when comparing you with your competitor.If they can do an apples-to-apples comparison of you and your competitors then it comes down to price and you’re toast. There’s always someone willing to sell cheaper than you.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''We want to get into the mind of our prospect. What do they really want? It’s rarely the thing you are selling, it’s usually the result of the thing you are selling. The difference may seem subtle but it’s huge.For example someone buying a $50 watch is buying something very different from a person buying a $50,000 watch. In the latter case they are likely buying status, luxury and exclusivity. Sure they want it to tell the time just like the buyer of the $50 watch but that’s unlikely to be their core motivation.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Bad marketing is highly product-focused and self-focused. Good marketing, especially direct response marketing, is always customer and problem/solution focused, and that’s exactly how we want our elevator pitch to be. We want to be remembered for what problem we solve rather than for some impressive but incomprehensible title or business.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Putting the right stuff in front of the wrong people or the wrong stuff in front of the right people is one of the first marketing mistakes made by business owners.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''The usual ways of shopping get thrown out the window when we’re in pain. The exact same is true for your customers and prospects. So many times businesses talk about ‘features and benefits’ rather than speaking to the pain that the customer already has. How much selling does a pharmacist need to do to sell pain relief medication to someone with a splitting headache? Very little I suspect.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Your goal is to be a problem solver, pain reliever and turn any comparison with your competition into an apples-to-oranges comparison. Remember people are much more willing to pay for a cure than for prevention. Targeting existing pain rather than promising future pleasure will result in much higher conversion, much higher customer satisfaction and lower price resistance. Look for pain points in your industry and become the source of relief.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Almost no other skill will reward you more richly than the ability to write compelling words. Being able to clearly articulate why a prospect should buy from you rather than your competitors in a way that creates an emotion and motivates them to action is the master skill of marketing.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

Best Marketing quote

''People are craving something new, something entertaining, something different. When you give that to them, you get their attention. When your copy is ‘professional,’ it’s boring, monotone and ignored. The fact is that most businesses are too afraid to send out copy that will get them noticed. They fear what their friends, relatives, industry peers and others will think or say.
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Always remember, people buy with emotions first and then justify with logic afterwards. Trying to sell to their logical brain with facts and figures is a complete waste of time.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''The five major motivators of human behavior, especially buying behavior are:
If your sales copy isn’t pushing at least one of these emotional hot buttons, then it’s likely too timid and ineffective.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Part of the job of good sales copy is to tell potential prospects who your product or service is NOT for.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

Best Marketing quote

''So many times I’ve seen a business or product name whose meaning is unclear…If you confuse them, you lose them. It’s that simple. Always choose clarity over cleverness. It’s hard enough to get a message read, understood then acted upon at the best of times. But intentionally adding confusion into the mix when you’re a small business with a modest marketing budget is madness.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Remember what gets measured, gets managed. Be ruthless with your ad spend by cutting the losers and riding the winners. Obviously to know what’s losing and what’s winning, you need to be tracking and measuring.
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Media is by far the most expensive component of your marketing spend. It’s the bridge that connects your offer to your target market.Hire experts that specialize in whatever media you decide is right for your campaign—they’re worth their weight in gold. Don’t try and do it yourself,..What you don’t know WILL hurt you.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''So how do you measure the success of a marketing campaign?
For the impatient, here’s the short answer: did the marketing campaign make you more money than it cost you? Another way of putting it is, what was the return on investment (ROI) on the marketing campaign? If it cost you more than you made (or will ever make) on this campaign then it’s a failure. If it cost you less than the profits you made as result of the campaign then it’s a success.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

Best Marketing quote

''Some people have the perception that social media marketing is ‘free’ It’s only truly if your time is worth nothing.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''As always with any marketing strategy it’s vitally important to find out where your prospects ‘hang out’  and use the appropriate media to get your message through to them. Social media may or may not be one of those places they hang out.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Building a database of email subscribers plays a central role in your online marketing strategy. A prominent part of your website should be an email opt-in form. This enables you to capture the email address of website visitors and gives you the opportunity to nurture those visitors who may not be ready to buy immediately but who are interested and want more information.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Despite the growth and popularity of social media, your database of email subscribers remains one of the most important elements of your online marketing strategy.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''All healthy relationships are based on an exchange of value. Ensure the majority of your emails are not sales pitches but rather something that creates value for your subscribers. A good ratio is three value building emails for every offer email.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''When it comes to your media strategy you should understand that email doesn’t replace postal mail, it complements it.We all love the speed and efficiency of all things virtual; however, it would be a mistake to underestimate the power of physical objects when it comes to moving people emotionally. And moving people emotionally towards a desired action is what marketing is all about.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''If your marketing consistently fails and loses you money then STOP and change what you’re doing.If you don’t measure your marketing results that’s just plain stupid because with the technology we have readily and cheaply available, it’s easier than ever to track your marketing results and return on investment (ROI). If your marketing is working and consistently giving you a positive ROI, then you should crank it up and throw as much money as you can at it.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''The only time to set a marketing budget is when you’re in the testing phase. In the testing phase I advocate that you fail often and fail cheap until you have a winner. Test your headline, your offer, your ad positioning and other variables.Then cut the losers and optimize the winners until you finally have a combination that gives you the best possible return on investment.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

Best Marketing quote

''Does your business have only one source of leads? One major supplier? One major customer? Rely on one type of media? Offer one type of product? To borrow a computer system term, does your business have ‘a single point of failure?’ If so your business is brittle and a small change in circumstances outside of your control could have a devastating effect.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Even in a narrow target market, all prospects should not be treated equally. All other things being equal, the more money you can spend marketing to high probability prospects, the better your chances are of converting them to a customer.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Once you’ve reached a level of competence, the real profit comes from the way you market yourself.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''If you’re a professional musician and you position yourself as a subway busker, your ‘customers’ will treat you as such and pay you accordingly. Conversely if you position yourself as a professional concert performer you attract a totally different customer and once again get paid accordingly. In other words, people will generally take you at your own appraisal—unless proven otherwise.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Most businesses try to sell without first creating trust. They either cold call or advertise using outdated methods that no longer work…you need to move towards the model of... educate, educate, educate.With education, you build trust. With education, you position yourself as an expert. With education you build relationships. With education you make the selling process easier for both buyer and seller.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''The balance of power is now in the hands of those who would choose to consult, advise and educate prospects or clients about the benefit that your product brings to them. It’s the only way to take the power back off the buyer in the chaotic collaborative world we live in today. So stop selling and start educating and advising. Your clients will appreciate you more and so will your bank manager.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 

''Offering too much choice can actually prevent sales. The psychology behind this finding is that people get caught like a deer in the headlights. Fear of making a suboptimal choice prevents them from making any choice at all.''
― Allan Dib, The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd 
