69 Love Quotes from The Mastery of Love by Miguel Ruiz

The Mastery of Love by Miguel Ruiz is good book about love and relationships.If you are, or have been in an abusive relationship or feel bitter because of the mistreatment of other people,this book can help you.

Here are the quotes I love:

''You have the power to create. Your power is so strong that whatever you believe comes true. You create yourself, whatever you believe you are. You are the way you are because that is what you believe about yourself. Your whole reality, everything you believe, is your creation. You have the same power as any other human in the world. The main difference between you and someone else is how you apply your power, what you create with your power. You may be similar to others in many ways, but no one in the whole world lives her life the way you do.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''When we are children, and we have a problem with someone,we get angry. For whatever reason, that anger pushes the problem away; we get the result we want. It happens a second time-we react with anger -and now we know if we get angry we push the problem away. Then we practice and practice, until we become masters of anger.In the same way, we become masters of jealousy, masters of sadness, masters of self-rejection. All of our drama and suffering is by practice. We make an agreement with ourselves, and we practice that agreement until it becomes a whole mastery. The way we think, the way we feel, and the way we act become so routine that we no longer need to put our attention on what we are doing. It is just by action-reaction that we behave a certain way.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''To become masters of love, we have to practice love. The art of relationship is also a whole mastery, and the only way to reach mastery is with practice. To master a relationship is therefore about action. It is not about concepts or attaining knowledge. It is about action. Of course, to have action, we need to have some knowledge, or at least a little more awareness of the way humans operate.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Human mind is  sick with a disease called fear....the emotional body is full of wounds, and these wounds are infected with emotional poison. The manifestation of the disease of fear is anger, hate, sadness, envy, and hypocrisy;the result of the disease is all the emotions that make humans suffer.All humans are mentally sick with the same disease. We can even say that this world is a mental hospital.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''In order to protect our emotional wounds, and because of our fear of being hurt, humans create something very sophisticated in  the mind: a big denial system. In that denial system we become the perfect liars. We lie so perfectly that we lie to ourselves and we even believe our own lies. We don't notice we are lying, and sometimes even when we know we are lying, we justify the lie and excuse the lie to protect ourselves from the pain of our wounds.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

The Mastery of Love by Miguel Ruiz Quote

''If you look at any religious description of hell, it is the same as human society, the way we dream. Hell is a place of suffering, a place of fear, a place of war and violence, a place of judgment and no justice, a place of punishment that never ends. There are humans versus humans in a jungle of predators; humans full of judgment, full of blame, full of guilt, full of emotional poison - envy, anger, hate, sadness,suffering. We create all these little demons in our mind because we have learned to dream hell in our own life.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''The happiest moments in our lives are when we are playing just like children, when we are singing and dancing, when we are exploring and creating just for fun. It is wonderful when we behave like a child because this is the normal human mind, the normal human tendency. As children, we are innocent and it is natural for us to express love. But what has happened to us? What has happened to the whole world?''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''What we call education is nothing but domestication of the human being....The need to be accepted is born. Before that,we don't care whether we are accepted or not. People's opinions are not important. They are not important because we just want to play and we live in the present.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''The fear of not getting the reward becomes the fear of rejection. The fear of not being good enough for someone else is what makes us try to change, what makes us create an image.Then we try to project that image according to what they want us to be, just to be accepted, just to have the reward. We learn to pretend to be what we are not, and we practice trying to be someone else, just to be good enough for Mom, for Dad, for the teacher, for our religion, for whatever. We practice and practice,and we master how to be what we are not.Soon we forget who we really are, and we start to live our images. ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''The woman has an outer image that she tries to project to others, but when she is alone, she has another image of herself.The man also has an outer image and an inner image. By the time they are adults, the inner image and outer image are so different that they hardly match anymore....When a man meets a woman, he makes an image of her from his point of view, and the woman makes an image of the man from her point of view. Then he tries to make her fit the image he makes for her, and she tries to make him fit the image she makes for him. Now there are six images between them. Of course, they are lying to each other, even if they don't know they are lying.Their relationship is based on fear; it is based on lies. It is not based on truth, because they cannot see through all that fog.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Opinions have a lot of power over the nonsense behavior of people who live in hell. That is why we need to hear that we are good, that we are doing well, that we are beautiful. 'How do I look?How was what I said? How am I doing?'....We need to hear the opinions of others because we are domesticated and we can be manipulated by those opinions. That is why we seek recognition from other people; we need emotional support from other people; we need to be accepted by the outside Dream, via other people. That is why teenagers drink alcohol, take drugs, or start smoking. It is just to be accepted by other people who have all those opinions; it is just to be considered 'cool.' ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Your father just comes,and with anger he hurts you. This was someone you trusted completely because he is your Daddy, someone who usually protects you and allows you to play and allows you to be you. Now there is something that doesn't quite fit....That sense of injustice opens a wound in your mind. Your emotional body is wounded, and in that moment you lose a little part of your innocence. You learn that you cannot always trust your father. Even if your mind doesn't know that yet, because your mind doesn't analyze, it still understands, 'I cannot trust.' Your emotional body tells you there is something that you cannot trust,and that something can be repeated.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

The Mastery of Love by Miguel Ruiz Quote

 ''The people of power abuse the people who have less power because they need to release their emotional poison. We have the need to release the poison, and sometimes we don't want justice; we just want to release, we want peace. That is why humans are hunting power all the time, because the more powerful we are, the easier it is to release the poison to the ones who cannot defend themselves.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''When you are physically sick or injured, you don't blame yourself or feel guilty. Then why feel bad or feel guilty because your emotional body is sick?What is important is to have the awareness that we have this problem. If we have the awareness, we have the opportunity to heal our emotional body, our emotional mind, and stop the suffering. Without the awareness, there is nothing we can do. ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''We are judging ourselves all the time, and we are judging everyone else all the time, based on what we believe and based on the sense of justice and injustice. Of course, we find ourselves guilty and we need to be punished. The other part of our mind that receives the judgment and has the need to be punished is the Victim. That part of us says, 'Poor me. I'm not good enough, I'm not strong enough,I'm not intelligent enough. Why should I try?' ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''The human mind is sick because it has a Parasite that steals its vital energy and robs it of joy. The Parasite is all those beliefs that make you suffer.Those beliefs are so strong that years later when you learn new concepts and try to make your own decisions, you find those beliefs still control your life.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''With awareness we can easily understand why relationships don't work - with our parents, with our children, with our friends,with our partner, and even with ourselves. Why doesn't the relationship with ourselves work? Because we are wounded and we have all that emotional poison that we can hardly handle. We are full of poison because we grew up with an image of perfection that is not true, which does not exist, and in our mind it isn't fair.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''That image of perfection changes the way we dream. We learn to deny ourselves and reject ourselves. We are never good enough, or right enough, or clean enough, or healthy enough,according to all those beliefs we have. There is always something the Judge can never accept or forgive. That is why we reject our own humanity; that is why we never deserve to be happy; that is why we are searching for someone who abuses us, someone who will punish us. We have a very high level of self-abuse because of that
image of perfection.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''You are no longer a child, and if you have an abusive relationship, it is because you accept that abuse, because you believe you deserve it. You have a limit to the amount of abuse you will accept, but no one in the whole world abuses you more than you abuse yourself. The limit of your self-abuse is the limit you will tolerate from other people. If someone abuses you more than you abuse yourself, you walk away, you run, you escape. But if someone abuses you a little less than you abuse yourself,perhaps you stay longer. You still deserve that abuse.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

The Mastery of Love by Miguel Ruiz Quote

''The drug addict [the person in the relationship with biggest need of love] thinks, 'What am I going to do if she leaves me?' That fear makes the drug addict very possessive. 'That's mine!' The addict becomes jealous and demanding, because the fear of not having the next dosage. The provider can control and manipulate the one who needs the drug by giving more doses, fewer doses, or no doses at all. The one who has the biggest need completely surrenders and will do whatever he can to avoid being abandoned.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''If you take your happiness and put it in someone's hands,sooner or later, she is going to break it. If you give your happiness to someone else, she can always take it away. Then if happiness can only come from inside of you and is the result of your love,you are responsible for your happiness. ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Your truth is not the truth for anyone else, and that includes your own children or your own parents. Just consider what you believe about yourself and what your Mother believes about you.She can say she knows you very well, but she has no idea who you really are. You know that she doesn't. You can believe that you know your Mother very well, but you don't have any idea who she really is. She has all those fantasies in her mind that she never shared with anyone else. You have no idea what is inside her mind.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Just as your body is made by cells, your dreams are made by emotions. There are two main sources of those emotions: One is fear, and all the emotions that come from fear; the other is love,and all the emotions that come from love. We experience both emotions, but the one that predominates in everyday people is fear. We can say that the normal kind of relationship in this world is based 95 percent on fear and 5 percent on love. Of course, this will change depending upon the people, but even if fear is 60 percent and love is 40 percent, still it is based on fear.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Love has no obligations. Fear is full of obligations. In the track of fear, whatever we do is because we have to do it, and we expect other people to do something because they have to do it. We have the obligation, and as soon we have to, we resist it. The more resistance we have, the more we suffer. Sooner or later, we try to escape our obligations. On the other hand, love has no resistance.Whatever we do is because we want to do it. It becomes a pleasure;it's like a game, and we have fun with it.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Love has no expectations. Fear is full of expectations. With fear we do things because we expect that we have to, and we expect that others are going to do the same. That is why fear hurts and love doesn't hurt. We expect something and if it doesn't happen,we feel hurt - it isn't fair. We blame others for not fulfilling our expectations. When we love, we don't have expectations; we do it because we want to, and if other people do it or not, it's because they want to or not and it's nothing personal. When we don't expect something to happen, if nothing happens, it's not important. We don't feel hurt, because whatever happens is okay.That is why hardly anything hurts us when we are in love; we aren't expecting that our lover will do something, and we have no obligations.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Love is based on respect. Fear doesn't respect anything,including itself. If I feel sorry for you, it means I don't respect you.You cannot make your own choices. When I have to make the choices for you, at that point I don't respect you. If I don't respect you, then I try to control you. Most of the time when we tell our children how to live their lives, it's because we don't respect them.We feel sorry for them, and we try to do for them what they should do for themselves.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''When I don't respect myself, I feel sorry for myself, I feel I'm not good enough to make it in this world. How do you know when you don't respect yourself? When you say, 'Poor me, I'm not strong enough, I'm not intelligent enough, I'm not beautiful enough, I cannot make it.' Self-pity comes from disrespect.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Every human is completely responsible for his actions, even if he doesn't want to be. Other people can try to pay for your mistakes, but you will pay for your mistakes anyway, and then you pay double. When others try to be responsible for you, it only creates a bigger drama.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Love is always kind, and that kindness makes you generous and opens all the doors. Love is generous. Fear is selfish; it is only about me. selfishness closes all the doors.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

The Mastery of Love by Miguel Ruiz Quote

''Love is unconditional. Fear is full of conditions. In the track of fear, I love you if you let me control you, if you are good to me, if you fit into the image I make for you. I create an image of the way you should be, and because you are not and never will be the image, I judge you because of that, and find you guilty. Many times I even feel ashamed of you because you are not what I want you to be. If you don't fit that image I create, you embarrass me, you annoy me, I have no patience at all with you. I am just pretending kindness. In the track of love, there is no if; there are no conditions. I love you for no reason, with no justification.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''We don't have the right to change anyone else, and no one else has the right to change us. If we are going to change, it is because we want to change, because we don't want to suffer any longer.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''In the track of love, there is justice. If you make a mistake, you pay only once for that mistake, and if you truly love yourself, you learn from that mistake. In the track of fear, there is no justice. You make yourself pay a thousand times for the same mistake. You make your partner or your friend pay a thousand times for the same mistake. This creates a sense of injustice and opens many emotional wounds. Then, of course, you set yourself up to fail.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''It doesn't matter how close you think you are, or how strongly you think you love, there is no way you can be responsible for what is inside another person's head. You can never know what that person feels, what that person believes, all the assumptions she makes. You don't know anything about that person. That is the truth, but what do we do? We try to be 
responsible for the other half, and that is why relationships in hell are based on fear, drama, and the war of control.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''when we come from the track of fear.Because there is no respect, I act as though you are not good enough or intelligent enough to see what is good or not good for you. I make the assumption that you are not strong enough to go into certain situations and take care of yourself. I have to take control and say, 'Let me do it for you,' or 'Don't do that.' I try to suppress your half of the relationship and take control of the whole thing.If I take control of our whole relationship, where is your part? It doesn't work.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Even if you both play tennis differently, you have the same goal: to have fun together,to play together, to be playmates. If you have a partner who wants to control your game, and she says, 'No, don't play like that; play like this. No, you are doing it wrong,' you are not going to have any fun. Eventually, you won't want to play with that partner anymore. Instead of being a team, your partner wants to control how you play. And without the concept of a team, you are always going to have conflict. If you see your partnership, your romantic relationship, as a team, everything will start to improve. In a relationship, as in a game, it's not about winning or losing. You are playing because you want to have fun.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''If you are aware that no one else can make you happy,and that happiness is the result of love coming out of you, this becomes the greatest mastery of the Toltecs, the Mastery of Love.... Love in action can only produce happiness. Fear in action can only produce suffering.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''The only way to master love is to practice love. You don't need to justify your love, you don't need to explain your love; you just need to practice your love.Practice creates the master.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Perhaps you are thinking, 'But what if I am not with the right woman or the right man?' That is a very important question. Of course, you have to choose the right woman or the right man. And what is the right woman, the right man? Someone who wants to go in the same direction as you do, someone who is compatible with your views and your values - emotionally, physically, economically,spiritually.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''The right woman for you is the woman you love just the way she is, the woman you don't have the need to change at all. That's the right woman for you. You are lucky if you find the right woman for you and at the same time you are the right man for her.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''You need to be honest with yourself, and honest with everyone else. Project what you feel you really are, and don't pretend to be what you are not. It's as if you are in a market: You are going to sell yourself, and you are also going to buy. In order to buy, you want to see the quality of what you are going to get. But in order to sell, you need to show others what you are. It isn't about being better or worse than someone else; it's about being what you are.If you see what you want, why not take a risk?''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

The Mastery of Love by Miguel Ruiz Quote

''Once you accept yourself just the way you are, the next step is to accept your partner. If you decide to be with a person, don't try to change anything about her. Just like your dog or your cat, let her be who she is. She has the right to be who she is; she has a right to be free. When you inhibit your partner's freedom, you inhibit your own because you have to be there to see what your partner is doing or not doing. And if you love yourself so much, you are never going to give up your personal freedom.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''If you cannot love your partner the way she is,someone else can love her just as she is. Don't waste your time,and don't waste your partner's time. This is respect.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''If you are down and she is happy, her happiness is your support. For your own sake, let her be happy;don't even try to take her happiness away. Whatever happens in your work, don't come home and throw your poison at her. Be silent and let her know it's nothing personal, you're just dealing with yourself. You can say, 'Keep being happy, keep playing, and I will join you when I can enjoy your happiness. Right now, I need to be alone.' ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''What you are going to share with your partner is not the garbage, but your love, your romance, your understanding. The goal is for the two of you to be happier and happier, and that calls for more and more love. You are the perfect man or woman, and your partner is the perfect human, just as the dog is the perfect dog. If you treat your partner with love and respect, who is going to get the benefit? No one else but you.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Once you decide to be a couple, you are there to serve the one you love, the one you choose. You are there to serve your love to your lover, to be each other's servant. ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''You are a millionaire in love, and someone knocks on your door and says, 'Hey, I have love for you here. You can have my love, if you just do whatever I want you to do.' When you are full of love, what is going to be your reaction?You will laugh and say, 'Thank you, but I don't need your love. I have the same love here in my heart, even bigger and better, and I share my love without condition.' But what is going to happen if you are starving for love, if you don't have that love in your heart, and someone comes and says,'You want a little love? You can have my love if you just do what I want you to do.' If you are starving for love, and you taste that love, you are going to do whatever you can for that love. You can even be so needy that you give your whole soul just for a little attention.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Can you see the drama humans create when they believe they don't have love? They are starving for love, and when they taste a little love from someone else, that creates a big need. They become needy and obsessive about that love. Then comes the big drama: 'What am I going to do if he leaves me?' 'How can I live without her?' They cannot live without the provider, the one who provides them with the everyday doses. And for that little piece of love, because they are starving, they allow other people to control their lives. They let others tell them what to do, what not to do,how to dress, how not to dress, how to behave, how not to behave,what to believe, what not to believe. 'I love you if you behave in this way. I love you if you let me control your life. I love you only if you are good to me. If not, then forget it.' ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''When we go into a relationship, we become selfish because we are needy. It's all about me. We are so selfish that we want the person with whom we are sharing our life to be as needy as we are. We want 'someone who needs me' in order to justify our existence, in order to feel that we have a reason to be alive. We think we are searching for love, but we are searching for someone who needs me, someone we can control and manipulate.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Self-rejection is the main problem. You are never going to be good enough for yourself when the idea of perfection is completely wrong. It's a false concept; it's not even real. But you believe it.Not being perfect, you reject yourself, and the level of self-rejection depends upon how strong the adults were in breaking your integrity.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''If you tell someone you love him, and that person says, 'Well, I don't love you,' is that a reason for you to suffer? Just because someone rejects you doesn't mean you have to reject yourself. If one person doesn't love you, someone else will love you. There is always someone else. And it's better to be with someone who wants to be with you than to be with someone who has to be with you.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''You are complete. When love is coming out of you, you are not searching for love because you are afraid to be alone. When you have all that love for yourself, you can be alone and there's no problem. You are happy to be alone, and to share is also fun.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''If you go into a partnership to have drama, because you want to be jealous, because you want to be possessive, because you want to control your partner's life, you are not looking for fun, you are looking for pain, and that is what you are going to find.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''What makes you happy is love coming out of you. And if you are generous with your love, everyone is going to love you. You are never going to be alone if you are generous. If you are selfish, you are always going to be alone, and there is no one to blame but you. Your generosity will open all the doors, not your selfishness.Selfishness comes from poverty in the heart, from the belief that love is not abundant. We become selfish when we believe that maybe tomorrow we won't have any pizza. But when we know that our heart is a magical kitchen, we are always generous, and our love is completely unconditional.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Perhaps you cannot control what is going to happen around you, but you can control your own reactions. Those reactions are going to guide the dream of your life, your personal dream. It's your reactions that make you so unhappy or make you so happy.Your reactions are the key to having a wonderful life. If you can learn to control your own reactions, then you can change your routines, and you can change your life.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''If the consequence is not what you want, change it again and again until you finally get the result you want.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Becoming aware is about being responsible for your own life.You are not responsible for what is happening in the world. You are responsible for yourself. You didn't make the world the way it is;the world was already the way it is before you were born. You didn't come here with a great mission to save the world, to change society, but surely you come with a big mission, an important mission. The real mission you have in life is to make yourself happy, and in order to be happy, you have to look at what you believe, the way you judge yourself, the way you victimize yourself.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''We are so blind, we really are, and we pay for that. But if we open our eyes and see life as it is, we can avoid a lot of emotional pain. It doesn't mean we don't take a risk. We are alive and we need to take risks, and if we fail, so what? Who cares? It doesn't matter. We learn and we move on without judgment.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Sometimes the self-judgment is so strong that people need to be numb just to be with themselves. If you don't like a person, you can walk away from that person. If you don't like a group of people, you can walk away from those people. But if you don't like yourself, it doesn't matter where you go, you are right there. To avoid being with yourself, you need to take something to numb you, to take your mind away from yourself. Perhaps some alcohol is going to help.Perhaps some drugs will help. Perhaps eating – just eat, eat,eat. The self-abuse can get much worse. There are people who really feel self-hatred. They are self destructive, killing themselves little by little, because they don't have the courage to kill
themselves fast.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''All those needs that you never can fully satisfy are in the mind....The mind confuses the needs of the body with its own needs....When the mind believes it is the body, the needs are only illusions, and they cannot be fulfilled. When we hunt those needs that are unreal in
the mind, we become the predators - we are hunting for what we don't need.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''You are Life passing through your body, passing through your mind, passing through your soul. Once you find that out, not with the logic, not with the intellect, but because you can feel that Life -you find out that you are the force that makes the flowers open and close, that makes the hummingbird fly from flower to flower.You find out that you are in every tree, you are in every animal,vegetable, and rock. You are that force that moves the wind and breathes through your body. The whole universe is a living being that is moved by that force, and that is what you are. You are Life.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Humans hunt for love. We feel that we need that love because we believe we don't have love, because we don't love ourselves.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''If the Parasite is working twenty-four hours a day, you also have to work twenty-four hours a day. The Parasite has an advantage: It knows you very well. There is no way you can hide.The Parasite is the most difficult prey. It's that part of you that tries to justify your behavior in front of other people, but when you are alone, it is the worst judge. It is always judging, blaming, and making you feel guilty.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Nothing that your partner does is personal. Your partner is dealing with her own garbage. If you don't take it personally, it will be so easy for you to have a wonderful relationship with your partner.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''The mind is the one that abuses the body, that mistreats the body, that gets so mean with the body.Just look at the way you treat your cat or your dog. If you can treat your body the same way you treat your pet, you will you see that it's about love. Your body is willing to receive all the love from the mind, but the mind says, 'No, I don't like this part of my body.Look at my nose; I don't like my nose. My ears - they are too large.My body is too fat. My legs are too short.' The mind can imagine all kinds of things about the body.Your body is perfect the way it is, but we have all those concepts about right and wrong, good and bad, beautiful and ugly.These are just concepts, but we believe them, and that's the problem. ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Others are free to see whatever they want to see. If others see you and judge you beautiful or not,if you are aware of your own beauty and accept your own beauty,their opinion doesn't affect you at all.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''You don't need anyone to love you. Love comes from the inside. It lives inside us and is always there, but with that wall of fog, we don't feel it. You can only perceive the beauty that lives outside you when you feel the beauty that lives inside you.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

The Mastery of Love by Miguel Ruiz Quote

''Sometimes being raped can destroy your sexuality for the rest of your life.Where is the justice? You are not the rapist, so why should you suffer the rest of your life for something you didn't do? You are not guilty for being raped, but the Judge in your mind can make you suffer and live in shame for many years.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Don't believe yourself when you say you are not good enough, you are not strong enough, you are not intelligent enough. Don't believe your own boundaries and limitations. Don't believe you are unworthy of happiness or love. Don't believe you are not beautiful. Don't believe whatever makes you suffer. Don't believe in your own drama. Don't believe in your own Judge or your own Victim. Don't believe the inner voice that tells you how stupid you are, that tells you to kill yourself. Don't believe it, because it isn't true. Open your ears, open your heart, and listen. ''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''You will know you have forgiven someone when you see him and you don't feel anything anymore. You will hear the name of the person and have no emotional reaction. When you can touch a wound and it doesn't hurt, then you know you have truly forgiven. Of course, a scar is going to be there, just as it is on your skin. You will have a memory of what happened, of how you used to be, but once the wound has healed, it won't hurt you any longer.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''Everyone dreams her own dream, remember? The words and actions that hurt you are merely a reaction to the demons in that person's own mind.She is dreaming in hell, and you are a secondary character in her dream. Nothing anyone does is because of you. Once you have this awareness, and you do not take it personally, compassion and understanding will lead you to forgiveness.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 

''There is no other medicine but unconditional love. Not: I love you or I love myself if. There is no if. There is no justification. There is no explanation. It is just to love. Love yourself, love your neighbor,and love your enemies. This is simple, common sense, but we cannot love others until we love ourselves. That is why we must begin with self-love.''
― Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship 


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