79 Reality Quotes from The 50th Law by Robert Greene and 50 Cent
The 50th Law by Robert Greene and 50 Cent is a VERY interesting book filled with life saving wisdom.If you often get manipulated and deceived or think that money and connections are needed to go to the top,you need to read this book.You will no longer be a victim of people and circumstance,I assure you but you have to act on the advice.
I have learned so much from this book,I have saved the quotes below in my phone to look at them from time to time so as not to forget the lesson.
Here are the quotes I Love:
‘’Your fears are a kind of prison
that confines you within a limited range of action. The less you fear, the more
power you will have and the more fully you will live. ‘’
PASSIVE AGGRESSORS … are masters at disguise. They present
themselves as weak and helpless, or highly moral and righteous, or friendly and
ingratiating. This makes them hard to pick out at first glance. They send all
kinds of mixed signalsꟷalternating
between friendly, cool, and hostileꟷcreating
confusion and conflicting emotions. If you try to call them on their behavior,
they use this confusion to make you feel guilty, as if you were the one who was
the source of the problem. Once you are drawn into their dramas, with your
emotions engaged, it can be very difficult to detach yourself. The key is
recognizing them in time to take appropriate action.
‘’With passive aggressors you must not get emotional and drawn into
their endless intrigues. If you respond indirectly, with a kind of passive
aggression yourself, you play into their hands—they are better at this game
than you are. Being underhanded and tricky only spurs on their insecurities and
intensifies their vindictive nature. The only way to treat these types is to
take bold, uncompromising action that either discourages further nonsense or
sends them running away. They respond only to power and leverage…. You are
playing the lion to their fox, making them afraid of you.They see there will be
real consequences if they continue their behavior in any form. ‘’
''In general we take conflicts far too personally. People have problems
and traumas that they carry with them from their childhood on. Most often when
they do something to harm or block us, it really is not directed at us
personally. It comes from some unfinished business from the past, or deep
insecurities. We happen to cross their path at the wrong moment.''
‘’Life naturally involves conflicting
interests; people have their own issues, their own agendas, and they collide
with yours. Instead of taking this personally or concerning yourself with people’s
intentions, you must simply work to protect and advance yourself in this
competitive game, this bloody arena. Focus your attention on their maneuvers
and how to deflect them.’’
‘’He [Roosevelt] told the
audience,’ let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is
fear itselfꟷnameless,
unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert
retreat into advance.’ What Roosevelt sketched out in his speech is the knife’s
edge that separates failure from success in life. That edge is your attitude,
which has the power to help shape your reality. If you view everything through the lens of fear, then you tend to stay
in retreat mode. You can just as easily see a crisis or problem as a challenge,
an opportunity to prove your mettle, the chance to strengthen and toughen
yourself, or a call to collective action. By seeing it as a challenge, you will
have converted this negative into a positive purely by a mental process that
will result in positive action as well.’’
''Understand: no one is born this way. It is unnatural to not feel fear.
It is a process that requires challenges and tests. What separates those who go
under and those who rise above adversity is the strength of their will and
their hunger for power.''
‘’He began hustling on the
streets at any early age, and there was no way he could avoid feeling fear…. On
the streets, showing fear would make people lose respect for you. You would end
up being pushed around and more likely to suffer violence because of your
desire to avoid it. You had no choice ꟷif you were to have any kind of power
as a hustler, you had to overcome this emotion. No one could read it in your
eyes. This meant that he would have to place himself again and again in the
situations that stimulated anxiety. The first
time he faced someone with a gun, he was frightened. The second time, less so.
The third time, it meant nothing.’’
‘’Those who follow the 50th Law
are not afraid of change or chaos; they embrace it by being as fluid as
possible. They move with the flow of events and then gently channel them in the
direction of their choice, exploiting the moment. Through their mind-set, they
convert a negative (unexpected events) into a positive (an opportunity).Having
a brush with death, or being reminded in a dramatic way of the shortness of our
lives, can have a positive, therapeutic effect. Our days are numbered and so it is best to make every moment count, to
have a sense of urgency about life. It could end at any moment. The
fearless types usually gain such awareness through some traumatic experience.
They are energized to make the most of every action, and the momentum this
gives them in life helps them determine what happens next.’’
‘’Your fear can even bring you
into a negative field where your powers are reversed. Being conservative, for
instance, can force you into a corner in which you are more likely to lose what
you have in the long run because you also lose the capacity to adapt to change.
Trying so hard to please people can
actually end up pushing them awayꟷit
is hard to respect someone who has such an ingratiating attitude. If you are
afraid to learn from your mistakes, you will more than likely keep repeating
them. When you transgress this law, no amount of education, connections, or
technical knowledge can save you. Your fearful attitude encloses you in an
invisible prison, and there you will remain.’’
‘’Assume the active mode in dealing with your fears. This means
entering the very arenas you normally shy away from: making the very hard
decisions you have been avoiding, confronting the people who are playing power
games with you, thinking of yourself and what you need instead of pleasing
others, making yourself change the direction of your life even though such
change is the very thing you dread. You deliberately put yourself in
difficult situations and you examine your reactions. In each case, you will
notice that your fears were exaggerated and that confronting them has the
bracing effect of bringing you closer to reality. At some point you will
discover the power of reversal ꟷ overcoming the negative of a
particular fear leads to a positive quality ꟷ self-reliance, patience,
supreme self-confidence, and on and on.’’
‘’All of us face challenges, rivals, and setbacks. We choose to ignore
or avoid them out of fear. It is not the physical reality of your environment
that matters but your mental state, how you come to deal with the adversity
that is part of life on every level.’’
By seeing through people’s manipulations, you can turn them around. The
firmer your grasp on reality, the more power you will have to alter it for your
‘’The greatest danger we face, he
told Curtis, is not the police or some nasty rival. It’s the mind going soft. I’ve seen it happen to many a hustler,
he said. If things go well, he starts thinking it will go on forever and he
takes his eyes off the streets. If things go bad, he starts wishing it were all
different and he comes up with some foolish scheme to get quick, easy money.
Either way, he falls fast. Lose your grip on reality on these streets and you might
as well kill yourself.’’
‘’He [50 Cent] decided to
transform the hustler’s words into a kind of code that he would live by: he
would trust no one; he would conceal his intentions, even from friends and
partners; and no matter how high or low life brought him, he would remain the
supreme realist, keeping his hustler’s eye sharp and focused.’’
''Let others depend on their MBAs, their money, and their connections. He
instead would rely upon that hustler’s eye that had brought him from the bottom
of America to the top in just a few short years.''
''The greatest danger you face is your mind growing soft and your eye
getting dull. When things get tough and you grow tired of the grind, your
mind tends to drift into fantasies; you wish things were a certain way, and
slowly, subtly, you turn inward to your thoughts and desires. If things are
going well, you become complacent, imagining that what you have now will
continue forever. You stop paying attention. Before you know it, you end up
overwhelmed by the changes going on and the younger people rising up around
you, challenging your position.''
''Understand: you need this code
even more than Fifty. His world was so harsh and dangerous it forced him
to open his eyes to reality and never lose that connection. Your world seems
cozier and less violent, less immediately dangerous. It makes you wander and
your eyes mist over with dreams. The competitive dynamic (the streets, the
business world) is in fact the same, but your apparently comfortable
environment makes it harder for you to see it.Reality has its own powerꟷyou
can turn your back on it, but it will find you in the end, and your inability
to cope with it will be your ruin. Now is the time to stop drifting and wake upꟷto assess yourself, the people around
you, and the direction in which you are headed in as cold and brutal a light as
‘’It is simply a choice you have
to make. At any moment in life you can convert to realism, which is not a
belief system at all, but a way of looking at the world. It means every
circumstance, every individual is different, and your task is to measure that
difference, then take appropriate action. Your eyes are fixed on the world, not
on yourself or your ego. What you see determines what you think and how you
act. The moment you believe in some
cherished idea that you will hold on to no matter what your eyes and ears
reveal to you, you are no longer a realist.’’
‘’It might seem that seeing so
much of reality could make one depressed, but the opposite is the case. Having
clarity about where you are headed, what people are up to, and what is
happening in the world around you will translate into confidence and power, a
sensation of lightness. You will feel more connected to your environment, like
a spider on its web. Whenever things go wrong in life you will be able to right
yourself faster than others, because you will quickly see what is really going
on and how you can exploit even the worst moment. And once you taste this
power, you will find more satisfaction from an intense absorption in reality
than from indulging in any kind of fantasy.’’
''Understand: as an individual you cannot stop the tide of fantasy and escapism
sweeping a culture. But you can stand as an individual bulwark to this trend
and create power for yourself. You were born with the greatest weapon in all of
natureꟷthe rational, conscious mind.
It has the power to expand your vision far and wide, giving you the unique
capacity to distinguish patterns in events, learn from the past, glimpse into
the future, and see through appearances. Circumstances are conspiring to dull
that weapon and render it useless by turning you inward and making you afraid
of reality. Consider it war. You must fight this tendency as best you can and
move in the opposite direction. You must turn outward and become a keen
observer of all that is around you. You are doing battle against all the
fantasies that are thrown at you. You are tightening your connection to the
environment. You want clarity, not escape and confusion. Moving in this
direction will instantly bring you power among so many dreamers.''
''Just imagine for a day that you do not know anything, that what you
believe could be completely false. Let go of your preconceptions and even your
most cherished beliefs. Experiment. Force yourself to hold the opposite opinion
or see the world through your enemy’s eyes. Listen to the people around you
with more attentiveness. See everything as a source for education ꟷ even the most banal encounters.
Imagine that the world is still full of mystery. When you operate this way, you
will notice that something strange often happens. Opportunities will begin to
fall into your lap because you are suddenly more receptive to them. Sometimes
luck or serendipity is more a function of the openness of your mind.''
''Napoleon Bonaparte is the
greatest general who ever lived, and what elevated him above all others was the
mass of information he absorbed about all of the details of battle, with as few
filters as possible. This gave him a superior grasp on reality. Your goal is to
follow the path of Napoleon. You want to take in as much as possible with your
own eyes. You communicate with people up and down the chain of command within
your organization. You do not draw any barriers to your social interactions.
You want to expand your access to different ideas. Force yourself to go to
events and places that are beyond your usual circle. If you cannot observe
something firsthand, try to get reports that are more direct and less filtered,
or vary the sources so that you can see things from several sides. Get a
fingertip feel for everything going on in your environment ꟷ the
complete terrain.''
‘’When you do not get to the root of a problem, you cannot solve it in
any meaningful manner. People like to look at the surfaces, get all emotional
and react, doing things that make them feel better in the short term but do
nothing for them in the long term.This must be the power and the direction of
your mind whenever you encounter some problemꟷto
bore deeper and deeper until you get at something basic and at the root.
Never be satisfied with what presents itself to your eyes.See what underlies it
all, absorb it, and then dig deeper. Always
question why this particular event has happened, what the motives of the
various actors are,who really is in control, who benefits by this action.
Often, it will revolve around money and powerꟷthat
is what people are usually fighting over, despite the surface gloss they give
to it. You may never get to the actual root, but the process of digging
will bring you closer. And operating in this way will help develop your mind
into a powerful analytical instrument.’’
''The further and deeper we contemplate the future, the greater our
capacity to shape it according to our desires…. With your gaze lifted to the future, you can focus on the dangers
looming on the horizon and take proactive measures to avert them. You have a
sense of proportionꟷsometimes
the things we fuss over in the present don’t matter in the long run. All of
this gives you an increased power to reach your objectives.''
‘’As a person who cannot be
easily ruffled by events, you will attract attention and power.’’
‘’The real poetry and beauty in
life comes from an intense relationship with reality in all its aspects. Realism
is in fact the ideal we must aspire to, the highest point of human rationality.’’
''Learn to make your own decisions,
and trust your judgment. Do not ask for what you need but take it.Depend only
on your wits.''
''Bosses …, even if they’re your friends. They
think of themselves and they use you.''
''He swore to himself he’d never
work for another person ever again. He would rather die.''
‘’You came into this life with the only real possessions that ever matterꟷyour body, the time that
you have to live, your energy, the thoughts and ideas unique to you, and your
autonomy. But over the years you tend to give all of this away.You spend years
working for othersꟷthey own you during that period. You get needlessly caught up in people’s
games and battles, wasting energy and time that you will never get back. You
come to respect your own ideas less and less, listening to experts, conforming
to conventional opinions. Without realizing it you squander your independence,
everything that makes you a creative individual.’’
‘’Before it is too late, you
must reassess your entire concept of ownership. It is not about possessing
things or money or titles. You can have all of that in abundance but if you are
someone who still looks to others for help and guidance, if you depend on your
money or resources, then you will eventually lose what you have when people let
you down, adversity strikes, or you reach for some foolish scheme out of
impatience. True ownership can come only from within. It comes from a disdain for anything or
anybody that impinges upon your mobility, from a confidence in your own
decisions, and from the use of your time in constant pursuit of education and
improvement. Only from this inner position of strength and
self-reliance will you be able to truly work for yourself and never turn back.''
''It is harder for us to realize
that we are essentially alone in this world and in need of the skills that
Fifty had to develop for himself on the streets. We have layers of support that
seem to prop us up. But these supports are illusions in the end.''
‘’Everyone in the world is governed by self-interest. People naturally
think first of themselves and their agendas. An occasional affectionate or
helpful gesture from people you know tends to cloud this reality and make you
expect more of this support ꟷ until you are disappointed, again and again. You
are more alone than you imagine. This should not be a source of fear but of
freedom. When you prove to yourself that you can get things on your own, then
you experience a sense of liberation. You are no longer waiting for people to
do this or that for you (a frustrating and infuriating experience). You have
confidence that you can manage any adverse situation on your own.’’
''Dependency is a habit that is
so easy to acquire. We live in a culture that offers you all kinds of crutches ꟷ experts
to turn to, drugs to cure any psychological unease, mild pleasures to help pass
or kill time, jobs to keep you just above water. It is hard to resist. But once
you give in, it is like a prison you enter that you cannot ever leave. You
continually look outward for help and this severely limits your options and
maneuverability. When the time comes, as it inevitably does, when you must make
an important decision, you have nothing inside of yourself to depend on. Before it is too late, you must move in the
opposite direction. You cannot get this requisite inner strength from books or
a guru or pills of any kind. It can come only from you. It is a kind of
exercise you must practice on a daily basis ꟷ weaning yourself from dependencies, listening
less to others’ voices and more to your own, cultivating new skills. As
happened with Carter and with Fifty, you will find that self-reliance becomes
the habit and that anything that smacks of depending on others will horrify you.''
''We forget the essential truth that all humans are governed by
self-interest. Our bosses keep us around out of need, not affection.They
will get rid of us the moment that need is less acute or they find someone younger
and less expensive to replace us. If we succumb to the illusion and the comfort
of a paycheck, we then neglect to build up self-reliant skills and merely postpone
the day of reckoning when we are forced to fend for ourselves.Your life must be
a progression towards ownership ꟷ first mentally of your independence,
and then physically of your work, owning what you produce.''
“Never be a minion, always be
an owner.”
''Keep in mind the following: what you really value in life is ownership,
not money. If ever there is a choiceꟷmore money or more responsibilityꟷyou must always opt for
the latter. A lower-paying position that offers more room to make decisions and
carve out little empires is infinitely preferable to something that pays well
but constricts your movements.''
‘’You must remember that when people give you things or do you favors it
is always with strings attached. They want something from you in return ꟷ assistance, unquestioned
loyalty, and so forth. You want to keep yourself free of as many of these
obligations as possible, so get in the habit of taking what you need for
yourself instead of expecting others to give it to you.’’
''Those who are self-reliant turn to people out of strengthꟷa desire for pleasant
company or an exchange of ideas. If people do not do what they want or expect,
they are not hurt or let down. Their happiness comes from within and is all the
more profound for that reason. Finally, do not be taken in by the culture of
ease. Self-help books and experts will try to convince you that you can have
what you want by following a few simple steps. Things that come easy and fast
will leave you just as fast. The only way to gain self-reliance or any power is
through great effort and practice. And this effort should not be seen as
something ugly or dull; it is the process of gaining power over yourself that
is the most satisfying of all, knowing that step by step you are elevating yourself
above the dependent masses.''
''Instead of becoming
discouraged and depressed by any kind of downturn, you must see this as a
wake-up call, a challenge that you will transform into an opportunity for power….
You do not wait for things to get betterꟷyou seize this chance to prove
yourself. Mentally framing a negative event as a blessing in disguise makes it
easier for you to move forward. It is a kind of mental alchemy, transforming
shit into sugar.''
''No matter how much money or
resources you have accumulated, someone will try to take them from you, or
unexpected changes in the world will push you backward. These are not adverse circumstances
but merely life as it is. You have no time to lose to fear and depression, and
you do not have the luxury of waiting.''
''You must adopt an attitude that is the opposite to how most people think
and operate. When things are going well, that is precisely when you must be concerned
and vigilant. You know it will not last and you will not be caught unprepared.
When things are going badly, that is when you are most encouraged and fearless.
Finally you have material for a powerful reversal, a chance to prove yourself.
It is only out of danger and difficulty that you can rise at all. By simply embracing
the moment as something positive and necessary you have already converted it
into gold.''
''[When] we find ourselves in an
urgent, difficult situation….what usually happens is that our minds snap to
attention. We find the necessary energy because we have to. We pay attention to
details that normally elude us, because they might spell the difference between
success and failure, life and death. We are surprised at how inventive we
become. It is at such moments that we get a glimpse of that potential mental
power within us that generally lies untapped. If only we could have such a
spirit and attitude in everyday life.''
''If we become wealthy and
dependent on money and technology, our minds atrophy and that wealth will not
‘’An opportunist in life sees
all hindrances as instruments for power. The reason is simple: negative energy
that comes at you in some form is energy that can be turned aroundꟷto
defeat an opponent and lift you up. When there is no such energy, there is
nothing to react or push against; it is harder to motivate yourself. Enemies
that hit you have opened themselves up to a counterattack in which you control
the timing and the dynamic…. In general, obstacles force your mind to focus and
find ways around them. They heighten your mental powers and should be welcomed.’’
''Most people wait too long to go into action, generally out of fear. They
want more money or better circumstances. You must go the opposite direction and
move before you think you are ready. It is as if you are making it a little
more difficult for yourself, deliberately creating obstacles in your path. But
it is a law of power that your energy will always rise to the appropriate
''Opportunism comes with a
belief system that is eminently positive and powerfulꟷone
known to the Stoic philosophers of ancient Rome as amor fati, or love of
fate. In this philosophy every event is seen as fated to occur. When you complain
and rail against circumstances, you fall out of balance with the natural state
of things; you wish things were different. What you must do instead is accept
the fact that all events occur for a reason, and that it is within your capacity
to see this reason as positive. Marcus Aurelius compared this to a fire that
consumes everything in its pathꟷall circumstances become consumed in your
mental heat and converted into opportunities. A man or woman who believes this
cannot be hurt by anything or anyone.''
''The harder we try to control
things in our immediate environment, the more likely we are to lose control in
the long run.''
''The fearless types in history all reveal a greater capacity to handle
chaos and to use it for their purposes.''
''After college we are all encouraged to specialize, to learn one thing
well and stick to it. We end up strangling ourselves in the narrowness of our
interests. With all of these restrictions, knowledge has no flow to it. Life
does not have these categories; they are mere conventions that we mindlessly
abide by.''
''Forgetting is a skill that you must develop in order to have emotional
flow. If you cannot help but feel anger or disgust in the moment, make it a
point to not let it remain the following day. When you hold on to emotions like
that, it is as if you put blinders on your eyes. For that amount of time, you
see and feel only what this emotion dictates, falling behind events. Your mind
stops on feelings of failure, disappointment, and mistrust, giving you that
awkwardness of someone out of tune with the moment. Without realizing it, all
of your strategies become infected by these feelings, pushing you off course.''
''It is precisely our fixed nature, our tendency to hold to one line of
action or thought, that is the source of human misery and incompetence. A
leader can come to power through acts of boldness, but when the times shift and
require something more cautious, he generally will continue with his bold
approach. He is not strong enough to adapt; he is a prisoner of his fixed
nature. What raised him above others then becomes the source of his downfall.This
is how you must operate: you actively work to overcome this fixed nature,
deliberately trying a different approach and style than your usual one, to get
a sense of a different possibility. You come to view periods of stability
and order with mistrust… On the other hand, moments of change and apparent
chaos are what you thrive onꟷthey make your mind and spirit jump to life….
You welcome, even create them. Whenever you feel rooted and established in place,
that is when you should be truly afraid.''
''When dealing with the aggressors
and passive aggressors around us we can be quite naive; we want to believe that
people are basically peaceful and desire the same things as ourselves. We often
learn too late that this is not the case. This inability to deal with what is
inevitable in life is the cause of so many problems. We work to postpone or
avoid conflicts, and when they reach a point where we can no longer play such a
passive game, we lack the experience and the habit of meeting them head on.''
‘’When you feel weak and afraid, you have the sense that you cannot
handle any kind of confrontation. You might fall apart or lose control or get
hurt. Better to keep everything smooth and even. Your main goal then is to be
liked, which becomes a kind of defensive shield. (So much of what passes for
good and nice behavior is really a reflection of deep fears.) What you want instead is to feel secure and strong from within. You are willing
to occasionally displease people and you are comfortable in taking on those who
stand against your interests. From such a position of strength, you are able to
handle friction in an effective manner, being bad when it is appropriate.''
‘’In the hood, people don’t have
the luxury of worrying about whether people like them. Resources are limited;
everyone is angling for power and trying to get what they can. It is a rough
game and there is no room for being naive or waiting for good things to happen.
You learn to take what you need and feel no guilt about it. If you have dreams
and ambitions, you know that to realize them you have to get active, make some
noise, bruise a few people in your path. And you expect others to do the same
to you. It is human nature, and instead of complaining you simply must get
better at protecting yourself.’’
‘’If we are waiting and settling for what we have, it is not because we
are good and nice but because we are fearful. We need to get rid of the fear
and guilt we might have for asserting ourselves. It serves no purpose except to
keep us down.The fearless types in history have often had to face a lot of
hostility in their lives, and in doing so they invariably discover the critical
role that one’s attitude plays in thwarting people’s aggression.
‘’when you submit in spirit to
aggressors or to an unjust and impossible situation, you do not buy yourself
any real peace. You encourage people to go further, to take more from you, to
use you for their own purposes. They sense your lack of self-respect and they
feel justified in mistreating you.’’
‘’people will take from you what they can. If they sense that you are the
type of person who accepts and submits, they will push and push until they have
established an exploitative relationship with you. Some will do this overtly;
others are more slippery and passive aggressive.You must demonstrate to them
that there are lines that cannot be crossed; they will pay a price for trying
to push you around. This comes from your attitudeꟷfearless and always prepared to fight. It
radiates outward and can be read in your manner without you having to speak a
word. By a paradoxical law of human nature, trying to please people less
will make them more likely in the long run to respect and treat you better.''
''People continually take from
you;they doubt your powers and challenge you.''
''This should be your perspective
as well. You start with nothing in this world.Any titles, money, or privilege
you inherit are actually hindrances. They delude you into believing you are
owed respect. If you continue to impose your will because of such privileges,
people will come to disdain and despise you. Instead only your actions can
prove your worth. They tell people who you are. You must imagine that you are
continually being challenged to show that you deserve the position you occupy.
In a culture full of fakery and hype, you will stand out as someone authentic
and worthy of respect.''
''Your own level of excitement and
self-belief will convince people that you know where you are going and should
be followed.''
''When your work does not
communicate with others, consider it your own faultꟷyou did not make your ideas
clear enough and you failed to connect with your audience emotionally. This
will spare you any bitterness or anger that might come from people’s critiques.
You are simply perfecting your work through the social mirror.''
''you have some large goal that you wish to achieve in your
life,something you feel that you are destined to create. If you reach that
goal, it will bring you far greater satisfaction than the evanescent thrills
that come from outside diversions[all forms of public entertainment,drugs and
alcohol, and social activities].To get there you will have to learn a craftꟷeducate
yourself and develop the proper skills. All human activities involve a process
of mastery.You must learn the various steps and procedures involved, proceeding
to higher and higher levels of proficiency. This requires discipline and
ability to withstand repetitive activity, slowness, and the anxiety that comes
with such a challenge.…, as you become better at this task or craft, it becomes
increasingly pleasurable…. unlike the diversion that comes from outside
sources, this one comes from within. You are developing a lifelong skill,the
kind of mental discipline that will serve as the foundation of your power. To make this work you must choose
a career or a craft that excites you in some deep way. You are creating no
dividing line between work and pleasure.Your pleasure comes in mastering the
process itself, and in the mental immersion it requires..''
''The fearless types in history
inevitably display in their lives a higher tolerance than most of us for repetitive,
boring tasks. This allows them to excel in their field and master their craft.
Part of this comes from seeing early on in life the tangible results that come
from such rigorousness and patience.''
''To reach the end of anything,to
master a process, requires time, focus, and energy.''
''If you are really after power and mastery, then you will absorb this
idea deeply and engrave it in your mind: there are no shortcuts.''
''Remember: anything will give way to a sustained, persistent attack on
your part.''
''To feel inspired you must first
experience a moment of emptiness. Use such moments to assess the day that went
by, to measure where you are headed.It is a relief to not feel that constant
need for outside entertainment.''
''The most ambitious and confident
figures in history often emerge from the most impoverished and arduous of circumstances.''
with a strong ego set
up boundaries—their sense of pride will not allow them to accept manipulative
or hurtful behavior. We generally like to be around such types.Their
confidence and strength is contagious. To have such a strong ego should be an
ideal for all of us.''
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