57 Quotes from 15 secrets successful people know about Time Management by Kevin Kruse
''Actually, highly successful
people don’t think about time much at all. Instead, they think about values,
priorities, and consistent habits.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
Time is your most valuable and scarcest resource.
How would your life change if
each and every day you truly felt your 1,440 minutes?''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
Identify your Most Important Task
(MIT) and work on it each day before doing anything else.
So, what’s your one thing? What’s your MIT? ‘’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
Work from your calendar, not a
to-do list.
How much less stress would you feel if you could rip up your to-do list
and work from your calendar?’’
Procrastination can be overcome when you figure out how to beat your
future self, who cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
You know what needs to get
done this week; how will you ensure that you don’t put it off?’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’Highly successful people feel
the passage of time. They know the potential that every minute holds.’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’When you wake up and
subconsciously start the countdown—1440, 1439,1438—adopting the habits of
highly successful people becomes very easy.’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’what is most important to you and
what activity right now will provide the greatest leverage to getting there.’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Regardless of your focus areas, conventional
wisdom dictates that your goal be specific and measurable. Instead of writing a
goal to ‘save money,’ it should be something like ‘Save $5,000 by the end of
the year.’ Instead of ‘lose weight,’ you would specify, ‘Lose ten pounds in ten
weeks.’After identifying your most important goal, you need to identify which activities
will lead to goal achievement and which activity is most important right now.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''If you want to build great
products, devote more than 50 percent of your work hours to product. Don't accept
speaking opportunities if you can't justify them as benefitting your users or
your company.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''One of the saddest mistakes in
time management is the propensity of people to spend the two most productive
hours of their day on things that don't require high cognitive capacity (like
social media). If we could salvage those precious hours, most of us would be
much more successful in accomplishing what we truly want.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Invest the first part of your
day working on your number one priority that will help build your business.Do
this without interruptions—no email or text—and before the rest of the world is
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’The first problem with recording tasks on a to-do list is that it
doesn’t distinguish between items that take only a few minutes and items that
require an hour or more. So when you randomly look at your list and ask, ‘Hmm,
what should I tackle next?’ You are very likely going to pick the quick tasks,
the easy items, not necessarily the thing that is most important. Second, and
similar to the first problem, to-do lists make it really easy to work on the
urgent instead of the important. That’s why I still have ‘Create annual family
photo album for 2013’ still on my to-do list (from two years ago!). Do you know
how many men have had ‘colonoscopy’ on their to-do list year after year?! Third, to-do
lists cause unnecessary stress. Indeed, when we carry around a long list of
undone items it’s one way to remember them. But it’s also a constant reminder,
a constant nagging, that there are many things we still need to deal with. ‘’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’Highly successful people don’t have a to-do list, but they do have a
very well-kept calendar. One of the most consistent messages I got from all the
interviews and research I did for this book was that no matter what it is, if
you truly want to get it done, schedule time for it.’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’First, schedule a chunk of time for
everything that is important to you; this is called ‘time blocking’ or ‘time
boxing.’ If you truly value
being healthy and have decided that a 30-minute daily workout is your enabling
goal,then don’t put it on your to-do list—put it on your calendar. Schedule it
as a recurring appointment. If you value customer intimacy as a business
strategy and have an enabling goal of talking to at least two customers a day,
then schedule a daily appointment for ‘customer calls.’ Second, important
items should be scheduled as early in the day as possible. Third, don’t
cancel goals; reschedule them if necessary. For example, if you normally work
out every day from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.—during your lunch hour—but you have to be
on an airplane on Monday traveling for work at noon,you would reschedule the
exercise appointment for earlier or later in the day. Fourth, treat your
time-blocked calendar entries as if they were appointments with your doctor;
they are that important. Most of us cave in on our self-scheduled appointments
too easily. If we time block 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.to work on an important report at
the office, and then a colleague asks for 15 minutes of time because ‘something
has come up I need to run by you,’ we reflexively say ‘sure,’ thinking we’ll
finish the report in only 45 minutes, or we’ll stay 15 minutes later or adjust
in some other way.But imagine if instead of working on a report you had an
appointment with your doctor or dentist. Would you still agree to give away
that time and show up for your doctor 15 minutes late? Of course not.’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Another way your calendar can become a powerful life-guiding tool is by
using it to design your ideal week.Think about what your ideal workweek would
look like…Regardless of your professional role, you may also find that your
ideal week —and even ideal day—has some recurring personal things: exercise,
time with your family, time to relax or to pursue hobbies. Mapping all
of these items onto your calendar—and making them recurring appointments—is the
right way to design your life. It’s a powerful way to stay consistent to those activities
that give you the most return, and the most joy.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''When you master the practice of time blocking—using your calendar instead
of your to-do-list—you can literally see your life’s priorities by looking at
your weekly calendar.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Work from your calendar, not a to-do list.''
''To beat procrastination once and for all, you have to understand it.
You don’t procrastinate because you’re lazy. You procrastinate because:
1. You lack enough motivation, and/or
2. You underestimate the power of present emotions versus future emotions
when you set your goals or make your task list.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''One friend of mine goes to extreme measures to battle her five-minute
future self! In pursuit of her health goals, whenever she eats out at a
restaurant and they bring her a side of French fries, she immediately opens the
salt shaker and dumps the entire thing on top of the fries. She has learned not
to trust regular old willpower to not eat the fries. Her
five-minutes-in-the-future self is likely to say,’ I’ll just have one.’ And we
all know how that goes.How are you going
to do battle with your future self?''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’Motivation comes down to pain and pleasure. For the tough tasks you
always tend to procrastinate, think about and even visualize the ‘why’ behind
What pleasure will I get by doing this thing?
What pain will I feel if I don’t do it?’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''My childhood friend Curt grew up and became a sports psychologist. He
tells me that the number one predictor of whether someone will stick to an
exercise routine or not is whether they are doing it with someone else.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’Procrastination Buster #4: Reward and Punishment
Some people I know respond very well to bribes—even though they are the
one in control of the bribe!One friend told herself she could buy a new pair of
expensive shoes, but only after she paid off her credit cards. Another friend
bought an excellent bottle of wine but wouldn’t drink it until he got down to a
certain percentage of body fat.But in addition to the ‘carrot,’ don’t forget
about the stick approach. Human psychology is such that we actually fear loss
more than we want a gain. So instead of rewarding yourself for goal
achievement, you can also punish yourself for goal failure.’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’Procrastination Buster #5: Act As If…
One unusual but very effective strategy is to self-talk yourself (out
loud or in your head) as if you already were your ideal self.I am a healthy
eater. I am a jogger. I am the #1 sales rep in my company. I am a neat person.
I am a bestselling author. I am an entrepreneur.What this self-talk is doing is
anchoring your values. If you are already a jogger, it will feel bad and
unnatural not to go out jogging today. If you are a writer, of course you are
going to sit and write at the computer today—it’s what writers do. If you are a
healthy person, of course you’ll get a to-go salad at the airport instead of a
slice of pizza.Just be who you want to become. It will then feel bad—it will be
incongruent —not to do the task you might be tempted to procrastinate.’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Procrastination Buster #6: Settle For Good Enough
Sometimes we find it easy to start things, but we procrastinate
finishing them.One trick to use is to just plan on settling for less than
perfect.Procrastinating that three mile jog? Well, just suit up and go outside
and agree to run around the block once…that will be good enough. And maybe it will
be, or maybe once you’re done with the block you’ll keep going. Once you
start something, once you agree that imperfect is OK, you’ll feel a stronger
motivation to finish it up.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Andy Grove revealed this ultimate secret in his book High Output
Management.My day ends when I’m tired and ready to go home, not when I’m done.
I am never done. Like a housewife’s, a manager’s work is never done. There is
always more to be done, more that should be done, always more than can be done.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Super successful people don’t just burn hour after hour trying to cross
more items off their task list. Instead, they think through their priorities,
schedule time for each, and then enough is enough.You are never too busy to
make time for what you love. It’s just a matter of prioritizing—evaluating how
you spend your days and dedicating time for what you value. If something is
really important to you, you will find a way to fit it into your life.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
Accept the fact that there will always be more to do and more that
can be done.
How much better will you
feel when you finally accept the fact that you can’t do it all, because there
will always be more that can be done?
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Self-made millionaire and
legendary success coach Jim Rohn wrote and spoke frequently about the power of
journaling.If you're serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated,
healthy,influential, cultured, and unique individual, keep a journal. Keeping a
journal is so important. I call it one of the three treasures to leave behind
for the next generation…
The first treasure is your
pictures. Take a lot of pictures...
The second treasure is your library.
This is the library that taught you, that instructed you, that helped you …
become wealthy, powerful, healthy, sophisticated, and unique…
The third treasure is your
journals: the ideas that you picked up, the information that you meticulously
But of the three, journal writing is one of
the greatest indications that you're a serious student.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
Always carry a notebook.
How much less stress will you feel when you begin to dump everything important
into your notebook?''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''How can you empty your email inbox quickly and keep it from interfering with
truly productive work?''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
Email is a great way for other people to put their priorities into your
life; control your inbox.
Are you ready to commit to checking email no
more than three times a day?’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
'' Never take meetings unless
someone is writing a check.–Mark Cuban ''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
Schedule and attend meetings as a last resort, when all other forms of
communication won’t work.Look at the
meetings on your calendar for the week ahead. How can you eliminate them or
reduce their allotted time?’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''This is a lesson I even try to teach my kids: every yes is a no to
something else.It’s not that they should say no to everything; it’s that they
should think it through.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
Say no to everything that doesn’t support your immediate goals.Which meetings, calls, and projects will you
say no to in the upcoming weeks?’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''80 percent of results will come from just 20
percent of the action.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''The important takeaway from this chapter on the Pareto principle is not
to run around with a calculator and actually do the math to figure out 80
percent and 20 percent calculations in different areas of your life.It’s more important to have a mindset of
identifying the few things and activities that will give you outsized returns.
You want to:
• Look for shortcuts.
• Do the most important things
exceptionally well, and the rest just ‘good enough’ or not at all.
• Develop your skills to be
exceptional in a few targeted areas; don’t try to master everything.
• Realize that you can work
less, stress less, and increase your happiness by figuring out the 20 percent
of goals and activities that are most important to you.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''SECRET #10
Eighty percent of outcomes are generated by twenty percent of activities.What 20 percent of your time generates 80
percent of your value?''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’Nothing will slow you down, take you off track, or keep you
unproductive more than doing things which you both: do not like to do and are
not good at. Anything that falls into that category must be outsourced to
someone else (ideally who both likes it and has competence) as soon as
possible. The extent to which you continue on those types of tasks is what will
hold you back from truly loving what you're doing and also being fulfilled.–Andrea
Waltz ‘’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Focus on what you are great at
and hire everyone else to do the rest.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’SECRET #11
Focus your time only on things that utilize your unique strengths and passions. What are you going to outsource starting
next week?’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’Renowned entrepreneur coach Dan Sullivan suggests that we theme every
week around three different kinds of days:
Focus Days: “Game days” are to focus on our most important activities, typically
revenue-producing activities. These are also the days when we should ideally be
using our unique talents; do what you do best.
Buffer Days: These are days to catch up on emails and calls, hold internal meetings,
delegate tasks, catch up on paperwork, and complete any training or educational
activities that are related to work.
Free Days: These are days without any kind of work. These are days for vacation,
fun, or perhaps charity. No work-related emails, calls, or thinking should be
done on these days; it’s a time to rejuvenate.’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
Batch your work with recurring
themes for different days of the week.How much more productive would you be,
how much less stress would you feel, if your days were organized to maximize
your effectiveness?
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’Obviously, successful people don’t all follow the exact same routine,
but it is amazing how you can easily identify consistent themes.
Most wake up early—6 a.m. or earlier.
They hydrate by drinking a lot of water.
They eat a healthy breakfast, although each has a different definition
of healthy (e.g., fruit and oatmeal, green smoothie,protein, slow carb).
They exercise.
Many meditate, journal, or read.’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’SECRET #14
Invest the first 60 minutes of each day in rituals that strengthen your
mind, body, and spirit.What time will
you set your alarm clock, for tomorrow morning, so you’ll have time for your
morning ritual?’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Don't sacrifice your sleep.
Sooner or later, it will catch up with you. You won't perform at your best, and
you will get sick.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
‘’In Write Better Faster, author Monica Leonelle shares how she went
from being a 600-word-per-hour writer to a 3,500-word-per-hour writer. She
learned that:
• When she repeated cycles of a 25-minute writing sprint followed by a
5-minute break, she achieved a 50 percent improvement in productivity. With
these short recharging breaks, Leonelle was able to maintain a near state of
flow for longer periods of time throughout the day.
• Her ailing wrists and fingers caused her to rethink her tools. She switched
from keyboard typing to dictation and gained an additional 33 percent in word
• Once freed from the keyboard, Leonelle gained a final 25 percent
improvement in word count when she began to dictate her novels while walking
Leonelle didn’t have more hours to give, so she figured out how to
increase her energy instead, and her productivity gains were the same as if she
had ‘found’ six times more hours!’’
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Tony Schwartz, founder of The Energy Project, teaches that human beings
are designed to 'pulse' between expending energy and renewing energy. His research
shows that humans naturally move from full focus and energy to physiological
fatigue every 90 minutes. Our body sends us signals to rest and renew, but we
override them with coffee, energy drinks, and sugar or just by tapping our own
reserves until they’re depleted.Schwartz suggests that we need to purposely take short breaks every 90 minutes throughout the
day to drink water, walk, or to eat healthy snacks. His mantra is, 'Pulse
and pause.' ''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Our cognitive capacity declines throughout the day;you must build in
frequent mental breaks to recharge and maintain productivity.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''The biggest way to increase your overall energy levels is of course to
take care of your health. You already know this, but keys to productivity
• Getting enough sleep
• Minimizing alcohol
• Minimizing caffeine, especially late in the day
• Eating more whole foods and fewer processed foods
• Maintaining a healthy weight
• Drinking a lot of water
• Exercising daily (a 20-minute power walk counts!)''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''SECRET #15
Productivity is about energy
and focus, not time. How will you
increase your energy tomorrow?''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''The basic principle of time management is as follows: do one thing, and
one thing only until it is finished, then move on. This means put your phone
away so texting, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram aren't distracting you while
doing homework.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Tips and tricks you can use to
save time.
Always cook more than one meal at a time.
Off-load your memory with your camera phone.
Mute your phone and shut off all
Drink a healthy protein shake for breakfast.
Never watch live TV. Why? Because of the
Don’t watch TV at all!
Use your drive time wisely.
Never call people without setting an
appointment ahead of time (unless it’s social, of course).
Avoid busy times out in the real world if at
all possible.
Use dual monitors.
Have a stop doing list.
Remind people of the ‘end time.’
Hang out with productive people.
Tell people around you to leave you alone.
Buy birthday cards by the dozen.
Pay bills electronically
Never answer a call from an unknown number.
Get a business coach, mentor, or mastermind
Release your content through multiple channels
Know that done is better than perfect.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Give yourself play rewards. Time management is
mostly about staying focused--when we're playing a game we like, we're not
tempted to be distracted.Knowing that we have a reward coming up, like video
games, a show, or social time, is not only motivating, but it gives us a clear light
at the end of the tunnel that keeps us from the malaise of feeling like we're
trapped in work.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''Outsource the problem to your subconscious. The verbal, conscious brain
forms pretty strong habit patterns. To alter the thinking paths, to solve really
challenging problems, the brain needs to deploy its diverse
functionality—different networks, different parts, different associations. Once
you have the information you need, the foundation for creative thinking is
established, then you can often trust the subconscious to use its untapped
horsepower to provide solutions. Walk away from the problem and trust that your
deeper mind and body will show up and offer a response.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''The most important Time
Management strategy I have discovered is investing 1% of your day in scheduling
the next day's activities. That is only 14 minutes a day. Surely investing 14
minutes before bed is a very beneficial habit.Scheduling the next day, just before going
to bed, has a couple of time saving benefits.1. Your next day's activities will
be prioritized, knowing what needs to be accomplished. 2. Your mind is relaxed,
and you are much less apt to toss and turn trying to go to sleep, thinking
about all the stuff you need to do. 3. Your subconscious mind is working while
you sleep on the best methods to achieve completion of your tasks. 4. It's been
said that investing 14 minutes in scheduling, creates an extra 56 minutes of
productivity in your day. Extra productivity, extra and better sleep, peace of
mind, and focused attention are all available in investing 1% of your day in
prioritizing the next day's revenue and goal accomplishing activities.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
''The best way to effectively
manage your time is not spend any of it on things you don't want to do and you
aren't good at. It's amazing how time-efficient you can be when you are doing
what you love and the opposite is even more true. Build up your skills in
delegation and automation so you don't have to do work you don't want to do.
Make sure there is enough underlying profit in your business model to support
hiring people to replace you. From there just work on things you love, it won't
feel like work and you won't be watching the clock. But if you did you'd notice
you work a whole lot faster and more productively.''
― Kevin Kruse, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
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